Not able to login to moviebase app it’s creating new account instead login and I have an already account with movie based but still trying to create account it got some error
What happens if you try to use the login?
Email account registration unsuccessful
It will creating new account unable to login
I have saved lot of movies and series
So please I need that account to use
Try to login, not create a new account.
I will check that issue
same problem here. did you check?
Yes still having a issue
Could you send me a recording with the flow via private message?
Where to send private message
Please fix this, Accidentally Uninstalled Moviebase and trying to login it will redirect to signup page it always ask like new user example here video link
Check this
@Chris, would there be a fix on the way?
I can confirm I have the same problem as seen in the video of Prathap.
If you fill in your email on the ‘sign in with email’ page, it’s like it doesn’t remember the account and gives you the option to make a new account by entering your name and a new password.
But if you would do that, it says, ‘email account registration unsuccessful’ (probably because that account already exists?)
I figured out how to login back just save the credentials to Google password with selecting Moviebase App while saving password and just open the app and try to login it will popup password manager with list of account and select it will automatically logged in… So like this I logged into moviebase app
I can’t access it either. The app opens the registration form even if you use an already registered email…
I’m really glad it worked for you.
I’m still stuck at the same situation.
Clicking the ‘sign in with email’ gives me the login page. But when I fill in the e-mailadres I used, it changes the page to make a new account (asks for my name and a new password).
But when ‘saving’ this information, it gives the message ‘email registration unsuccessful’
Exactly as your first 3 posts.
@chris is there a way to check if my account is accessible, except true the app?
Please check this
Google Smart Assistant
Thanks for sharing. The login mechanism is provided by Google.
I can confirm that it only seems to work with the Google smart lock feature.
Even the Google password manager will fail, it will just fill in the email address on the same page as before, and you will get stuck again.
If you use a different password manager, you will have to add the Moviebase password to the Google password manager and set Google as your main password service on your device.
After this, the smart lock feature should work in the Moviebase app.
This however does still seem to be a bug, I guess it’s not normal that you’re not able to log in without this specific Google feature.
Thanks for this one.
Yeah, Google has changed some logic which I didn’t have an impact on. The app uses a standard library that I have to control after these mentioned issues.