TV Show Progress Filter Premiere


I’ve a lot of shows where I didn’t start watching from Season 1, sport shows, talk shows, etc. The TV Shows In Progress page always shows S01E01 as next to watch.

Would it be possible to add another filter to this screen, similar to “Include Complete”, but to “Hide Show Premieres”, so that if the next episode is S01E01 it doesn’t appear in the In Progress page, and when it is not S01E01 it shows up.

I think it would really improve and declutter this screen. Thanks :slight_smile:

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Just what i asked about a little while ago.
I also want feature to hide episodes not watched.

This might be a possible filter to add.
So filter all progress items which has the initial S1E1?

Exactly, that would really clean up the In Progress list

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I see an option in filters for Hide TV show premieres, but it’s not doing anything for me at the moment. Should it already be hiding season 1 episode 1 entries?