TMDB Air date not converted to our timezone

in calendar the air date of tv show is correct because the data is collected from trakt which is already converted to my timezone as showing in screenshot below

but the data collected from tmdb is retrieving the original air date of the tv show which is not converted to my timezone

TMDb offers only dates in UTC. The app needs the date time to calculate the timezone :confused:

For the calendar I fetch the data from Trakt.

that’s what the dev of tmdb says on this matter :“It’s pretty firm for now at least” :expressionless:
i’m not sure what he was thinking air time it’s a must have tvdb has it :slightly_frowning_face:

Hopefully there will be a solution for that in the future

They focused on movies only in the beginning. I also requested some improvements and they said that episode airing times should be one of the next features.

I am also planning to load more other services content, but this is a lot of work.

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