Problem with my premium

Hello, I recently changed my mobile phone and I had to reinstall all my applications. In the past I made a payment to purchase the Moviebase application. Now I find that there is no way to have the premium enabled and I would like to know why this is due.

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Same issue, in my old phone if I login I can see my account is premium, The opposite in my new phone for the same account, it keep ask me to upgrade! It is definitely an issue in the app


There is restore purchase button on the more / help page.

Can you be more specific please.
What do you mean by “more page”
I cant find it in the app

Sorry for confusion. When you go to the profile page, there is a help entry in the list below. On the help page, there is a restore purchase entry.

Unfortunately I can’t see this option

I can see many people complain about the same problem, Please investigate this issue

I can’t see that ‘restore purchase’ option

It should be available in the newest version 4.3.1,

Solved, now I have Premium again in the new version.

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