Since it seems a more major upgrade to Moviebase statistics may be even longer coming, would you please consider just fixing the long standing bug in the Progress statistics that I have documented multiple times?
The below screenshot illustrates the problem again. In this example, we see a count of 2123 special episodes watched. That is correct. But we see that the Progress statistics page also says that I have watched 31253 of 30735 episodes. Obviously, that is impossible. I have demonstrated multiple times that the reason for this wrong information is that the first number, 31253, includes the 2123 special episodes that I have watched. However, the count of total episodes to be watched, 30735, does not include the number of special episodes that are available to watch, and I would not wish for it to include them. This is why the page says that I have watched far more than 100% of available episodes.
I believe there is a very simple one-line coding fix that would solve this problem. Before the page is displayed, simply perform one subtraction operation, subtracting the number of special episodes watched, 2123 in this example, from the total number of episodes watched, 31253 in this example. This simple change would give the correct and actually meaningful results. Since the number of watched special episodes is included separately, there is no need to include them in the other counts. Indeed, I think it is more useful to keep them segregated. Special episodes are often not even available for watching in any readily available form, so removing them from the total progress count and showing them, as you already do, in a separate count, is much more useful.
Please consider making this simple change to make this information much more useful.