Not sure if this is a bug but I have a personal list on Trakt.tv that lists all my favorite actors and directors. This list shows up as empty in the Moviebase app.
Not sure if this is a bug but I have a personal list on Trakt.tv that lists all my favorite actors and directors. This list shows up as empty in the Moviebase app.
Moviebase doesn’t sync people from trakt.
I added a task ticket.
Sorry, I missed your reply. It would be great if we could sync trakt actors list and provide the info of percentage of movies watched featuring a liked actor, basically like Trakt does (if possible via api of course).
Ho do you submit a task ticket etc. I’ll use that in future?
Thanks @chris
The next bigger task is a new Trakt sync, which I already started. The app needs better a progress/calendar with Trakt.
The actors could be done afterwards.