My account became a free account and all my marked films disappeared!

My account became a free account and all my marked films disappeared!

I had a Premium account that suddenly turned into a Free account and I lost all my bookmarked movies. What happened? I would like to restore my account, which I purchased as a lifetime subscription. How do I do that?

@Andre_Heb Do you still have the issue?

Hey @chris, good morning!

Yes, I’m still using a regular (non-Premium) account. However, I managed to make my saved lists reappear. I simply logged out of Google and logged back in through Trakt, and that worked. But my Premium account hasn’t been restored - I’m still getting ads and missing the premium features I used to have. How can I reactivate those features?

Have a great day!

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@Andre_Heb Do you have the same Google account from the Play Store? The purchase is connected based on the Google Play Store app.

Yes, it’s the same. It’s the same Google account that I use for Trakt as well…

Can you click on “Restore purchases” on the profile page?

I clicked on it, but this message poped-up: “No purchases to restore for this account.”

Wait! Even with that message, I think it worked! :slight_smile: Thanks!

Glad to hear! I made the purchase sync better in the new version for you :slight_smile: