Moviebase vs Trakt - Cat on the wall situation

If I transfer my account to moviebase, where exactly all item will store? My Google Account or Moviebase DB. Is moviebase provide all the feature same as trakt. Can I get the list of feature and limitations.

Yes, it will transfer everything to your Moviebase account, which uses Google Cloud services. You can sync your data between the same Google account and different devices. The backup function allows you to save data additionally, which I also recommend.

All the functions in the app are available. We features are listed here

I am a premium and lifetime user since 2018. I have used and recommended this APP to hundreds of people for years. It has always been a wonderful APP and the best as a movie tracker. Currently I am NOT able to log in to (trakt button in loggin window is not pushable) and I am unable to recover my saved movie and series history for 6 years. . I would like to be able to restore the wishlist and rating data from to the moviebase APP please.
can you help me please?

@Pablo_Valbuena Do you use Chrome as your default browser? This usually helps to open

thank you so much ! :smiley: