Anyone experiencing issues syncing (Personal Lists) to @Trakt (see attached pic)?
I’ve completed troubleshooting without success
Anyone experiencing issues syncing (Personal Lists) to @Trakt (see attached pic)?
I’ve completed troubleshooting without success
It seems to have resolved itself…
I was wondering; is there a way of setting the correct local time, within the Moviebase app? I ask because the time within the app seems to be an hour behind.
Thanks in advance.
I have done PAYMENTS but can’t watch Anymore Movies and so Kindly do help me .do Reply
You cannot watch movies via this app, it clearly states that;
Best overview of TV shows & movies by The Movie Database (TMDb).
Please note: You can NOT watch movies with Moviebase
Moviebase gives you the best overview of movies & TV shows from the largest community network The Movie Database (TMDb). You can find all movies and series, or browse through many top lists to get the right information. Don’t want to miss next airing episode? Track your TV shows in own progress list or set your reminders for notifications.
Moviebase also offers you flexibility and control to customize your home screen with your own categories for the perfect information summary.
︎Discover the most trending movies and TV shows
︎Get the next airing episode date and TV time
︎See the progress of your watched episodes
︎Connect and sync with Trakt.TV and TMDb
︎Get notifications and reminders for new episodes
︎Count the number of episodes you didn’t seen yet
︎Search your films, series and actors like in IMDB
︎Filter movies and series by criteria
︎Know all popular celebrities
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︎Lookup for related channels and genres
︎Genres like Anime, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Documentary
︎Get personal recommendations based on your taste
︎Best TVshow app
︎Open a movie and TV show with imdb
︎Share your media content with friends
︎Read ratings, reviews and user comments
︎Ratings from imdb, trakt and tmdb available
︎Have access to a gallery of high resolution posters, backdrops and fanart
︎Inform yourself about the current cast and crew
︎Further facts such as runtime, genre, certification, release information and networks
︎Rate your movies and TV shows you have seen
︎Your series manager, SeriesGuide & TV tracker
︎Explore huge amount of categories: Popular, Now Playing, On TV, Upcoming, Trending, Anticipated, Top Rated, Box Office
︎Sort your lists by title, release date, vote average and recently added
︎Browse through our catalogues such as Marvel Universe, Oscar Nominations, Disney, Pixar, Award Winning
︎ Best movie tracker app
Keep track of all your TV shows including those on Amazon, Netflix, Hulu, ABC, Fox, The CW, NBC, CBS, HBO, MTV, Bravo, BBC, Channel 4, ITV, Sky and more.