More control over the backup function

And you still have the issue with missing content on another account even after waiting a few minutes?

Yes, I also left the two devices on the same moviebase account for a few hours to give the application time to synchronize everything, unfortunately without result.

Will new added items be synced?

Hi, yes the new contents that I add with the moviebase account are synchronized. The problem only occurs with those imported from trakt

On you existing account with all saved items, could you go into the profile page and then click on the account image.

There should be an entry called “Synchronize account data”. This should resync all data.

I had noticed the resync setting and unfortunately it didn’t work, everything that is migrated from trakt to the moviebase account with Google is not uploaded to the Cloud and remains on the smartphone used to migrate films and TV series. It only uploads movies and TV series that I search and add manually using the moviebase account login

Thanks for your help! I will continue testing the behavior on my device.

Just to clarify, both Trakt and Moviebase maintain separate profiles on the device. This means that data must first be transferred from the Trakt profile to the Moviebase profile. If I missed any steps in this process, please let me know.

That’s right, it’s after this transfer that the problem arises.I move the content from the trakt account to the moviebase account, force resync from the settings and the content is not actually uploaded to the Cloud. So, if I log in with the same moviebase account on another phone, I don’t see the content

Found the issues and will be all fixed with the next version hopefully.

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I really hope so, thanks for your work Chris!

Hi Chris, what items would be synchronized? Lists would they be synchronized?

Everything seems to be working now, except for the episodes watched of the TV shows the history of the episodes watched is still not synced