Hiding average ratings

Can you add the possibility of hiding average ratings from the movies images keeping only the personal rating?

Hi, thanks for you feature request. Why do you want hide the ratings?

Hi, it’s only an aesthetic reason, that’s, for me it’s better to have on the movies poster only the personal rating, and if you want to see the average ratings of imdb, TMDB and Trakt, you just click on the movies info like now. So, I suggest adding a button to choose to have the average rating or not.

Otherwise the app works really well.

Other requests: if you can add a button to choose whether to have the movies names in their original language and replace number rating to star rating, which would make it more “professional”.

Thanks for your answer.

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I added a ToDo task to the board https://trello.com/b/G6WeTzn0/moviebase