Feature request: Watch counter

My request is to count a movie.
I mean every time I watch a movie I can count them.
There’s a movie I will watch it every month (min. 1x) and after a year I could check how many times I’ve watched it :slight_smile:


Hi, there isn’t a plan for multiple watched movies at the moment.

hmmm that´s a pity :slightly_frowning_face:

I also think this feature will be very useful. In fact, I have to use another app “CineTrak” in order to see the view counter. I imagine this counter is stored in trak.tv and can be easily shown in Moviebase

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We are planning how much work a implementation costs. If it is easy then we will add it soon. Otherwise the feature will be added when we rework the details page.

Following big features are in planning:

  • Rework main screen and navigation
  • Account page
  • Login and sync cloud service
  • Calendar view
  • Rework details page