Expansion of Status Selection Feature

The Status selection filter on the TV Shows Progress screen is a nice addition. It would be very useful to have the same filter on personal lists, the watchlist, history, hidden shows, etc. Also, it would be useful to have status as one of the sort options everywhere sorting of TV shows is supported.

Thanks for considering.

Good idea. The idea is to have it on all lists.

I would still really like to have this feature. I know it is a bit complicated by the fact that a personal list might contain a mix of movies and TV shows, and the possible status values for the two are somewhat different. However, I think many (maybe most) personal lists contain either one or the other. In those cases it should be easy to offer the appropriate selections. For a personal list containing a mix, you might offer all the possibilities for both movies and TV shows, and then display appropriate entries for our selection. For instance, if we select a status that applies only to movies, then you would display only movies with that status. If we select a status like “Canceled”, then you could show both movies and TV shows in the list that have that status.

A further refinement of this capability would be to allow us to select multiple status values and then list all entries with any of those status values. “Not” logic would be another possibility.

Thank you for considering this. At least allowing status selections for personal lists would be very helpful for lists containing many entries.

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