Errors about IMDB, and TMDb out-of-date vote rates

The IMDB, Trakt.TV and TMDb scores of Film and TV shows are not up to date and we see the data of 3-4 months ago. For example, when we look at the score of the film we look at the IMDB score, then I open that film in IMDB, but both the people who voted and the vote are old. So it doesn’t match the points that appear in Moviebase. The same goes for How can we see the current votes of movies and TV shows? Because it doesn’t really reflect the truth. Do you have information?

Because it is very important for users to get the right information in this application.

Yours truly

Hi Yural,

Yes its right to have the current information. Normally it fetches the data directly from the backend. Maybe the sever doesn’t deliver the newest data.

An example would be good.

I don’t have only 1 example, they don’t all show up-to-date data