Error while importing/ Fehlermeldung beim Importieren von Einstellungen

Hi, every time I import a file I get the message after selecting it that it has to be a “. realm” file.

But it already is, exactly the file that was exported before.

However, it is imported anyway, at least lists and progress - but not the settings

Hi, every time I import a file I get the message after selecting it that it has to be a “. realm” file.

But it already is, exactly the file that was exported before.

However, it is imported anyway, at least lists and progress - but not the settings

Hi, jedes mal beim Importieren bekomme ich nach Auswahl der Datei die Meldung, dass es unbedingt eine “. realm” - Datei sein muss.

Ist es aber ja bereits, eben genau die Datei, die zuvor exportiert wurde.

Importiert wird aber trotzdem, zumindest Listen und Fortschritt - jedoch nicht die Einstellungen.

Thank you very much for report. I will checking what’s wrong with the file reading.

The database file contains all lists and will calculate the progress. You can also change it manually via file explorer, the name of the file is default.realm in app system data :wink:

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Hi Chris, bug still there. On every device. See screenshots. (btw: missing translation in first screenshot).

Thanks for the screens.

For a workaround, you could replace the realm file manually. It is in the application folder com.moviebase/default.realm.

You could replace the file easily.

Thanks for reply. But it does not work.

The file “default.realm” you mentioned does not exist in Internal Storage/Android/data/com.moviebase
See screenshot.

Tried to export, rename to “default.realm” and moving a file there has no success.

I am sorry, I didn’t read that the lists and progress is still imported.

The settings will not be saved, only your media content.

Thanks. That’s just a little part of the problem…