Check-in Not Working

Checj-in doesn’t seem to work, anyone else with this problem?

Yes, but it seems to be dependent on the content. I had that problem with one show but not another. However I cannot seem to remember which one it was.

I’m also having issues with comments and i cannot post comments, anyone else with this issue?

It happens when it couldn’t find the TMDB ID with Trakt ID. Same with comments. Keep in mind that comments won’t be displayed in the app immediately.

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I cannot get Check-in (Twitter) to work with any title.

However, sometimes I get the error in the app but the Trakt website does acknowledge the check-in but not every time…

The checkin can fail only if the ID doesn’t match with TMDB. For the rest it should work.

I tested it with The New Mutants movie. It will also add it to Twitter.